Anti-Ragging and Anti Harrassment Policy

Anti-Ragging and Anti Harrassment Policy

‘Merit’ and ‘Ethics’ being the core driving values towards turning out professionals of high caliber with strong sense of ethical judgments, social integration of student’s population coming from different parts of the country with diverse cultural and social backgrounds, becomes a matter of prime importance. Ragging is a social menace which has no place in the academic environment of the Institute and concerted efforts are required to be in place to prevent its occurrence at any point of time. Hence the institution has adopted a balanced anti-ragging and anti-harassment policy. The policy adopted by the Institute takes care of preventive, procedural and punitive aspects of ragging based on the guidelines provided by the University Grants Commission and the University of Calicut.

As per the policy, the institution shall:

Constitute an Anti-Ragging and Anti-harassment committee with a faculty coordinator and representatives from all stakeholders to monitor the various aspects related to the menace of ragging

  • Ensure creation, development and nurturing a conducive, socio-academic environment within the student population.
  • Generate and maintain a high level of confidence within new entrants and their parents/guardians to perceive that fresh entrants to the Institute are welcome and provided support, rather than being harassed and intimidated
  • Advocate zero tolerance towards any acts such as conspiracy, riot, public nuisance, physical/psychological humiliation, extortion, assault, wrongful restraints/confinement, violation of decency and morals and other acts recognized as forms of ragging
  • Keep in place an integrated system to discourage and prevent any negative acts like ‘ragging’ by the seniors, which disrupts socio-academic integration of new entrants.
  • Organize orientation programs for the student community, both fresher’s and seniors, to raise awareness on the constitutional and institutional laws and regulations concerning ragging
  • Encourage the new entrants to report any act of misconduct that they are subjected to or have witnessed, by the senior students, to the authority concerned
  • Prescribe deterrent measures for any violation of the “Anti-Ragging and anti-harassment Policy” by way of disciplinary measures.


Grievance Redressal Policy

The institution prioritizes the psychological and subjective contentment of its staff and students. To safeguard the equanimity of the staff and students, the college has a mechanism that gives freedom for the staff and students to express their grievances. In order to redress individual as well as collective grievances of the students and staff of the college, a grievance redressal policy has been devised.

A grievance may be any kind of discontent or dissatisfaction or negative perception, whether expressed or not, arising out of anything connected with the college that a student or staff thinks, or even feels, is unfair, unjust or inequitable. While this platform allows all students and staff members to voice their concerns in an open manner it is imperative that the complainant exercises due diligence and care in deciding what he/she would qualify as a grievance that is serious enough to deserve the attention of the authority.

The grievance policy reiterates that the institution shall:

  • Constitute a Grievance Redressal Cell to monitor any grievances and to offer feasible solutions and rectifications
  • Furnish Grievance boxes at different locations of the College and in the hostel for the students to submit their personal or collective grievances
  • Ensure verification and review of grievances, if any, by the Grievance Redressal Cell on a regular basis
  • Entrust the class teachers/Mentors to collect and promptly address any grievances that may come within the purview of her competency or authority and to report the same to the Cell
  • Encourage the class teachers/ Mentors to forward the complaints, if not addressed, in written format signed by the respective complainants to the Grievance Redressal Cell
  • Ensure availability of helpline/telephone numbers in the college handbook, website, and enquiry wing
  • Encourage both teaching and non-teaching staff to report their grievances to the Principal or to submit as a written petition to the Grievance Redressal Cell
  • Ensure responsive and judicious redressal of the issues following a prompt and detailed enquiry undertaken by the Grievance Redressal Cell
  • Confirm regular meetings of the Grievance Redressal Cell to monitor and evaluate the number and nature of complaints and to implement remedial measures.